Two matrices and print the product for the same. INPUT public class Matrix1{ public static void main(String args[]){ int a[][]={{1,1,1},{...
Write a java program to add two matrices and print the resultant matrix | VCMIT
Add two matrices and print the resultant matrix. INPUT public class Matrix{ public static void main(String args[]){ int a[][]={{1,3,4},{2,4...
Write a java program to implement multiple inheritance | VCMIT
Multiple Inheritance. INPUT interface Car { int speed=60; public void distanceTravelled(); } interface Bus { int distance=100; ...
Write a java program to implement method overriding | VCMIT
Method Overriding INPUT class Human{ public void eat() { System.out.println("Human is eating"); } } class Boy ext...
Write a java program to implement single level inheritance. | VCMIT
Single Level Inheritance. INPUT class Single{ static int num1=10; static int num2=5; } class Main extends Single{ public static void mai...
Write a java program to demonstrate the implementation of abstract class. | VCMIT
Implementation of Abstract Class. INPUT import java.util.Scanner; abstract class test { abstract void get(); } class test1 extends test { vo...
Designed a class that demonstrates the use of constructor and destructor. | VCMIT
Constructor And Destructor. INPUT class Square{ int width,height; Square( int a , int b){ width = a; height = b; } int area(){ return width ...
Designed a class SortData that contains the method asec() and desc(). | VCMIT
The Method asec() And desc(). INPUT import java.util.*; class prac4A { Scanner input=new Scanner(; int num,i; int arr[]; int temp=...
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Hi there, I’m Amanda – a girl love fashion and love to express herself with her own sense of style.
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Why Software Engineering is Popular? Here are important reasons behind the popularity of software engineering: Large software – In our real...
Drawing Different Shapes Program In C INPUT #include<graphics.h> #include<conio.h> main() { int gd = DETECT,gm,left=100,top=1...
RAD (Rapid Application Development) Model RAD is a linear sequential software development process model that emphasizes a concise developmen...